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Bachelor / Master / PhD
Topics for Bachelortheses in Surface Science
Within the scope of an experimental Surface Science Bachelor thesis you will be working on a timely research project with the scientific equipment available in our labs (e.g. Scanning tunneling microscopy, angle-resolved photoemission, X-ray photoemission, Infrared spectroscopy, etc.). With support of your supervisor you will learn to handle the complex ultrahigh-vacuum machines, attain understanding of the analysis methods applied in your project, and work on a scientific problem (incl. literature search and reporting). The duration of the practical work is approx. 3-4 weeks.
The scientific problem can be related to one the following topics:
- Structure determination of ultrathin oxide films with scanning tunneling microscopy
- Determination of the electronic and geometric structure of single molecules and molecular monolayers on surfaces with scanning tunneling microscopy
- Determination of the electronic structure and charge transfer into molecules on surfaces with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- Adsorption and reaction of molecules at surfaces (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermal desorption, infrared spectroscopy)
- Preparation and characterization of model catalysts based on ultrathin oxide films
- Determination of the electrochemical stability and reactivity of model catalysts (cyclic voltammetry in combination with scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)
Contact: martin.sterrer(at); michael.ramsey(at); svetlozar.surnev(at); georg.koller(at)

Molecules on 2D materials
The proposed BSc. or MSc. projects aim at characterising the energy level alignment at the molecular/TMD interface by means of state-of-the-art photoemission and microscopy methods, such as Photoemission Orbital Tomography and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy.
More about Molecules on 2D materials ....
For further info contact: Dr. Giovanni Zamborlini
2D molecular frameworks
The proposed BSc. or MSc. projects aim at controlling the electronic structure of such molecular frameworks by on-surface chemistry techniques and by tuning the metal-molecule interaction. The proposed systems will be investigated by means of state-of-the-art photoemission and microscopy methods, such as Photoemission OrbitalTomography and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy.
More about 2D molecular frameworks ...
For further info contact: Dr. Giovanni Zamborlini

Accessing the Spinterface properties
The proposed BSc. or MSc. projects aim at understanding how hybridization affects both sides of the interface by means of state-of-the-art photoemission and microscopy methods, such as Photoemission Orbital Tomography and Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy.
More about Accessing the Spinterface properties ...
For further info contact: Dr. Giovanni Zamborlini
Positions in the context of diploma theses and dissertations or postdoc positions in the field of physics can also be found on the website of the student representation and on the bulletin board of the NAWI Graz base group.